BlueStone Manaufacturing and Accounting Software Solutions


Sage CRM

Sage CRM MME is an easy to use, fast to deploy, feature rich, low cost of ownership CRM solution, designed to introduce the real benefits of CRM to middle sized companies. Sage CRM MME aggregates individual and group efforts across sales, marketing and support teams, making people and companies more efficient at their roles. It links all departments to a single system that is deployed across an Internet architecture that inherently provides efficiencies in terms of deployment, maintenance and access.

Sage CRM MME allows for the pooling of all transactions and communication history into a single screen, giving you a 360-degree view of your customer.

Sage CRM MME Can Help Your Company to :

  • Improve Sales Performance with tools that help sales professionals find and retrieve vital information quickly and easily. Sage CRM MME provides a snap shot of the sales cycle from first contact to final sale, allowing sales teams to effectively analyse and manage the sales pipeline. Quotes and orders can be easily created and saved so they can be pulled again in the future, saving time to sell not on administration.
  • Manage and track every element of your campaign. View activities, objectives, leads generated and lead follow-up. You can drill down to specific activities within a campaign including communications, opportunities, responses, budget, actual cost and list of prospects. This in-depth view of your campaigns allows you to eliminate the guesswork and put your company’s marketing resources to their best use.
  • Resolve customer issues efficiently by providing customer service professionals with user-friendly tools to access relevant customer data including purchases, call and escalation histories, interactions, emails and documents sent and received. Armed with this customer knowledge they can handle customer queries more efficiently, which in turn enhances and strengthens the customer experience whilst improving job satisfaction.


  • We are Sage Business Partners
  • We are SMS ERP Premium Partners
  • Mamut Accounting Partners
  • Draycir Partner
  • Preactor Partners
  • Orchard Computing Business Partners
  • Telepen Affiliates